Driving down the block - Kidz in the Hall


Comment history with LoveToMySilas


Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 comments

Sea section ftw, but i think we've talked a little too much about babies.Makes me wanna make one!

Posted by ReggieM on Jun 19, 08 5:06 pm

As long as I'm still the one pushing them out of my vag, I GET TO NAME MY BABIES. Haha, well...I'll probably make a deal and say that if its a boy, I get to name it and if its a girl, they can name it.

Posted by LoveToMySilas on Jun 19, 08 1:51 pm

uhmmm i think ur better off having a son named silas... but what happens if your hubby wants to name the kid.

Posted by ReggieM on Jun 19, 08 12:56 am

I just never saw Silas as a girl's name. -shrug- Perhaps thats just me...Sylia?

Posted by LoveToMySilas on Jun 18, 08 9:31 pm

i think you should name it silas regardless.

Posted by ReggieM on Jun 16, 08 11:29 pm

Its a name that I've liked for a good 3 years now. And if its not a boy, then her name won't be Silas, won't it? XP

Posted by LoveToMySilas on Jun 16, 08 6:25 pm

wow u planned it this early? who says it has to be a boy haha

Posted by ReggieM on Jun 16, 08 12:29 am

Meaning that Silas is GOING to be my first son's name. XD

Posted by LoveToMySilas on Jun 15, 08 11:28 pm

first unborn son as in?

Posted by ReggieM on Jun 12, 08 8:42 pm
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